

Yuliia Zablotska
Author at ApiX-Drive
Reading time: ~2 min

Robots.txt is a text file located at the root directory of a website that provides instructions to web crawlers, such as search engine bots, on how to access and index the site's content. Created in 1994 by Dutch software engineer Martijn Koster, the robots.txt file is part of the Robots Exclusion Protocol (REP), a voluntary standard for websites to communicate with web robots.

The main purpose of a robots.txt file is to inform web crawlers which areas of a site they are allowed to access and which areas they should avoid. This can help site owners prevent overloading their servers with requests from bots, protect sensitive information from being indexed, and improve the site's search engine ranking by focusing on relevant content.

A robots.txt file uses a simple syntax that consists of user-agent declarations followed by a series of directives. The user-agent declaration specifies the target web crawler, while the directives (such as "Disallow" and "Allow") define the specific actions that the crawler should follow.

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While the use of a robots.txt file is not mandatory, it is considered a best practice for optimizing a website's visibility in search engines and managing server resources. By tailoring the robots.txt file to their needs, site owners can effectively guide web crawlers and improve their site's overall performance.


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