
Data Filter

Data Filter

This function allows you to filter and cut off unnecessary data even at the stage of getting to the Data Destination system.

To create a filter condition, click "Add filter condition" in the Data Source setup.

Thus, our system will get data already taking into account this condition.

Data Filter | Add filter

Select a field in the Data Source on which the filter condition will be executed.

Data Filter | Field selection

Next, select the action that will be applied as a filter.

Data Filter | Action selection

1. Contains - specify a value to get data that contains this value in the selected field.

2. Does not contain - specify a value to get data except for those that contain the specified value in the selected field.

3. Empty - the data will get only where the selected field is empty.

4. Equals - specify a value to get data that is equal to this value in the selected field.

5. Greater - specify a numeric value to get data that is greater than this value in the selected field.

6. Greater or equals - specify a numeric value to get data that is greater than or equal to this value in the selected field.

7. Less - specify a numeric value to get data that is less than this value in the selected field.

8. Less equals - specify a numeric value to get data that is less than or equal to this value in the selected field.

9. Not empty - the data will get only where the selected field is filled in.

10. Not Equal - specify a value to get data except for this value in the selected field.

11. Regular expression - allows advanced users to use regular expressions. Learn more about regular expressions: https://www.regular-expressions.info

Data Filter | Example action "greater"

Also, you can add one more filter by "AND" condition.

To do this, click "Add the condition "And".

Data Filter | Add the condition "And"

In this case, you will be transmitting data that is greater than 500 and that does not contain 600 in the selected field.

Data Filter | Example the condition "And"

To add a filter with an "OR" condition, click "Add condition "OR".

Data Filter | Add the condition "OR"

In this case, data will be transmitted in which the value is greater than 500 or contains 300 in the selected field.

Data Filter | Example the condition "OR"

Note that the filter does not affect the test data. The test data is an example of the convenience of set up fields.